For comprehensive details please refer to our admissions policy in the policies section.
Longridge school is part of the New Reflexions Care Group and is an independent special school for students who have moderate learning difficulties and other associated needs, with on site residential accomodation for up to 6 young people. Within the residential home young people have access to exceptional levels of care and additional educational, emotional and behavioural support through a variety of structured activities, play and recreation. Experienced care staff work closely with young people to develop a range of life skills and encourage appropriate social interaction.
In addition to its residential students, the school also accepts day students from neighbouring local authorities.
The school is fee paying and interested parents/guardians/carers would need to approach their local authority to seek agreement before applying for a place.
Local Authority officers should find out whether their authority has commissioning arrangements already in place with New Reflexions and use these established channels or call our referrals manager at head office on 01939 210040.
In the first instance the Headteacher welcomes an informal approach by phone or email and may then arrange for a tour and chat. The school is very keen to receive all relevant information about any new referrals in order that the student can be appropriately matched to other children and young people already attending and to ensure that the school can offer the appropriate support and educational package to suit that individual student.