The School Day
The school day starts at 9.30am to allow for students who may live out of the area and have a longer journey to school. The day finishes at 3.15pm.
The day consists of six, forty-five minute lessons arranged in pairs with a 15 min morning break and 30 min lunch break. The school day commences with a tutor time session for student registration and settling into the new day. Core Mathematics and English learning is timetabled at the beginning of each day with creative or vocational based lessons scheduled for the afternoons. We also have daily Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) time immediately after lunch, which promotes reading for pleasure, develops literacy skills and helps students to settle back into afternoon lessons.
For new students, accessing a full day at school can be overwhelming; a comprehensive transition to full time attendance is mutually and carefully planned with parents and carers where required.
For many of our learners, the concept of completing school work at home (in the form of homework) can be difficult, so homework, where set, needs to be meaningful and functional in promoting skills required for future life beyond school. Students will be asked to read regularly and other homework will be determined on an individual needs basis.