Transition & Year 9 Options
At Longridge, we aim for all students to have acquired the functional knowledge and competent skills to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling adult lives as independently as possible by the end of Key Stage 4.
During Key Stage 3, learners are encouraged to think about future education and employment options and are sensitively supported to choose 2 option pathways (accredited courses or programmes), to follow alongside our English, Maths, Science, PSHE and PE. All learners also continue to cook weekly in preparation for adulthood and future independent living. We try and accommodate any bespoke programme that a student has a passion or talent for.
Students may gain a range of qualifications including Entry Level Certificates (ELC), Functional Skills (FS), GCSEs (where appropriate), ASDAN and vocational qualifications.
The school is registered for students up to the age of 18 years. We would always hope to transition students to appropriate further education settings, training such as apprenticeships or employment by the end of Key Stage 4. However, we understand some of our students may need longer to attain qualifications or that Longridge is the most suitable setting for them to continue their education until the end of Year 12 or 13. This option is always carefully considered and jointly decided between parents/carers, the school, the funding authority and the student.