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Pumpkin Picking at Arscott Farm
Recently, the whole school enjoyed a trip to one of our local farms to experience pumpkin picking. As well as following a trail to find all the hidden pumpkin letters and working out which word they spelt, the the children enjoyed using the wheelbarrows to get the pumpkins back to the cars. A team approach was needed to move some of the bigger ones! It was a lovely Autumnal day and everyone enjoyed a tasty treat and a hot chocolate to finish the trip.
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The Windrush Generation
As part of our recent focus on The Windrush Generation, some of our children have studied the book by Floella Benjamin. This book tells the true story of Floella and her sister and brothers as they journey from Trinidad to make a new life in London - part of a whole generation of West Indians who were encouraged to move to Britain and help rebuild the country after the Second World War. Reunited with her mother, Floella was too overwhelmed at first to care about the cold weather and the noise and dirt from the traffic. But, as her new life began, she was shocked and distressed by the initial rejection she experienced.
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Visit to Shrewsbury Museum
On Thursday 9th February, all of the children attended a trip to the Shropshire Museum, to consolidate their knowledge about the Ancient Greeks. They enjoyed a very hands-on experience, investigating artefacts from the Greek Period and also interrogating reproductions. They were able to re-enact a possible scene at a Greek temple as well as attempting their own Greek vase designs and working as a team of 'trainee archaeologists' to re-assemble a Greek plate. At the end of the session, they also enjoyed a visit to the museum's cafe for a drink and cookie too!
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Giddy Up!
In partnership with The Cavalier Centre, our children have started the 'Changing Lives Through Horses' national programme endorsed by the British Horse Society. The programme is split into 6 topics: communication, confidence, teamwork, responsibility, building relationships and perseverance, all of which are vital life skills. Our children are currently (Autumn Term 2) working hard to achieve as many of the 10 stable management awards and the 6 rider awards. The children are enjoying weekly sessions, and one of the children's recent quotes sums up the sessions brilliantly, "Epic"!
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Our New Nature Garden
Our lovely new nature garden has been the focus of our attention over the summer holidays. Our grassy area has been landscaped and we have a new Trug ready for planting, a new mud kitchen as well as a new picnic table. Pupil voice is important to us so, who better than the children themselves to collaboratively agree on the new safety rules and general expectations for its use!
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Platinum Jubilee
This week the students have been celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. We had a carousel of activities including 'pin the tail on the corgi' and a feast fit for royalty!
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Shropshire Falconry Visit
We recently visited the Shropshire Falconry Centre to support our PSHE topic 'Food Chains'. This was an amazing hands on experience for all of the children (and staff!)
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Inspirational Quote
One of our children recently shared his thoughts around making mistakes... "You can never make a mistake, a mistake is always made into an opportunity."
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Festivities and celebrations
The Henslow School took part in the Festival of Trees with St Chad's Church, Shrewsbury. Students sponsored a tree and spent time decorating it, in order to showcase the rich variety of lessons that take place in school. The Evolution School pupils visited the site and enjoyed searching for the Henslow Tree amongst the galleries and aisles. It was an uplifting way to celebrate the end of term and start the Christmas festivities.
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Sports Day 2023
The primary school joined their secondary peers on Friday for their annual Sports Day at SCAT in Shrewsbury. The children enjoyed a BBQ lunch (and perhaps a few bars of chocolate - for energy reasons!!) and were then ready for the afternoon's events. All the children (and staff) limbered up well, so there were no torn ligaments or muscle strains and everyone enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon. The long jump and football dribble were particular favourites and the children were marked on their effort and behaviour.
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- 25th Giddy Up!
- 9th Platinum Jubilee
- 18th Shropshire Falconry Visit
- 16th Inspirational Quote