Safeguarding and Child Protection
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and is the most important thing that we do. The established culture is that everyone is alert and vigilant at all times.
For a full overview please read our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy or read our executive summary.
It is of upmost importance to the Henslow and Evolution School that children feel safe and experience safety in order that they can be in the right mindset to learn and flourish. All concerns, no matter how small are listened to carefully and reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Staff receive regular training and updates to ensure that we are aware of local concerns and national developments. The Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership is our local source of information and procedural guidance. http://www.safeguardingshropshireschildren.org.uk/
We have a wide range of policies that underpin and support our work in the Henslow and Evolution School. These policies are available here, but if you can’t find what you are looking for then please do contact us.