Achievements and Progress
Our focus is to support all students to achieve their full potential. As a school records each student’s progress and achievements and sends progress reports to parents/carers and external agencies. The school acknowledges achievements at all levels, whether in lessons or in particular activities or actions of the student and we will celebrate these events with parents/carers and external agencies.
The progress of each student in the school is monitored and tracked carefully. Parents/carers and external agencies are provided with information about how their child is progressing. Parents/carers and relevant external agencies can see the information recorded about their children at any time. If they are at all concerned about anything to do with their child in relation to his/her progress, they are encouraged to contact the school. We seek to track and celebrate progress both in terms of academic subjects and in terms of personal development.
The school will provide parents/carers with three reports per year; a termly progress report in Autumn and Spring term and an annual written report at the end of the academic year to inform them of the progress and attainment of their child both in terms of academic progress and personal development.
The school has a trauma and mental health informed schools licensed practitioner and recognises the need for an education offering therapeutic and creative programmes for young people to support and develop their social, emotional and mental health. Staff receive regular training to deliver, implement and track progress in this area.