PSHE & Careers
Personal, Social and Health Education (including Relationships and Sex Education)
At the Henslow School we believe Personal Social and Health Education helps students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to adapt and thrive as individuals and members of society. PSHE supports students to take information from a range of subject disciplines to help find credible and useful connections. Enabling the student to see, for example, how Science is linked to discussions on drugs and Mathematics to the cost of living. We also support students to develop an understanding of British Values.
From taking part in open and intuitive discussions, to making responsible decisions about their health and lifestyle, PSHE helps students to sort the facts from the myths. Teaching also develops skills around validation and recognising bias, ultimately preparing our students for life outside of school. From managing their financial futures, having positive relationships, making healthy life choices, sharing opinions and opening their eyes to the ways of the world they will become part of.
Careers information, advice and guidance helps our students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare them for the constantly developing world of work; this is critical to successful progression pathways. Careers education also allows students to examine their strengths and weaknesses and explore soft and hard skills in the light of future career options.
Within our Careers curriculum, we offer students the opportunities to develop a range of skills such as self-awareness, personal planning, personal finance, making informed career choices, enterprise and employability skills. We also provide our students with quality work-related experiences, visits to college open and taster days, visits to universities and interaction with local businesses at modern apprenticeship shows and an annual careers day at school.
By engaging in Careers education we hope to inspire and motivate our students to strive to achieve their dreams and aspirations, as well as give them an understanding of the attitudes and qualities necessary to be successful in the world of work.