Many of our students ask why we have a school uniform and there are a number of reasons. Firstly it ensures that students are appropriately dressed for the learning environment and present smartly. Secondly it means that any morning decision making and anxiety about what to wear is removed. It also ensures that students who might have less access to money than others are not judged for the clothes they wear.
The secondary school expects students to be dressed smartly every day, no exceptions. They should wear:
- A plain black blazer which can be bought from a range of shops including the larger supermarkets, Marks and Spencer's or a school outfitter.
- A plain white school shirt with a collar, this can be short or long sleeved.
- A black or burgundy Henslow School jumper can be worn when the weather is colder under the blazer and must be purchased from School Shop Direct. Henslow School jumper
- Plain black trousers or a plain black skirt, of a decent length or smart tailored shorts. No leggings please.
- Black school shoes, no trainers.
School is mindful of the increase in the cost of living and is happy to discuss purchase of uniform issues with families. There are second hand school jumpers and blazers available in school at a small cost.
Students are permitted to wear their own, appropriate sports clothes for PE lessons.