Henslow School Pantomime

What a performance!
This half term has seen excitement levels rise as the projects groups in KS3, ably directed by Arts Award student Alicia, create their first production: ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The group have developed their skills from creative thinking to finding the best ways to work as a team. Their effort has led to developing a short pantomime to entertain the whole school on the last day. It is set to be an exciting debut for our performers.
There have been many memorable moments including the various interpretations of ‘the cow’, a surprisingly popular role, now taken on by Lacie, including prop ears, nose and sound effects! The title role of Jack is being played with both gravity and comedy by Dylan and the giant is performed by Tyler who has been enjoying developing the famous “fi, fi, fo, fum” speeches. With Warren as the mysterious bean seller {possibly on a contract from Heinz}, Keisha as the commanding mother, Faith and Tom as the ever-present narrators and a further team of students and staff supporting.
Jack and the Beanstalk was performed as part of the end of term activities and included a sing-song with classic festive hits and a number from the yet unnamed staff band for everyone to sing along to. The audience was warned "if you hear the crowd shouting “it’s behind you” or find someone chopping down a giant beanstalk, do not be alarmed, just enjoy the show and sing along with everyone as we complete another exciting term".