Latest News Stories

The Annual School Christmas Performance was held on the last Wednesday of term with our Arts Award and Projects students combining for a morning of songs and bad jokes. The music room was transformed into a mystical forest and only Mr Cattley knew what would be
taking place!

This year’s DOUBLE panto entitled ‘The Two Bad Wolves’, is the tale of two very hungry animals. Each wolf goes up against a different challenge: one the fearsome ‘Red Riding Hood’ and two the cunning ‘Three Little Pigs’. Will the wolf get something to eat? Will the
audience survive until the buffet? Will Mr Tranter perform another Prog Rock Christmas Collective?

  • Whole School Review Days

    Whilst half of the school were involved in a multi-agency review of their progress over the year, the remainder were taking part in activity days. One group spent the morning designing T shirts and Taiko drumming at the Hive in Shrewsbury. Another group worked with JCL Group, Condover on Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. The activities were matched to student's interests and provided a personalised challenge for all taking part, not least due to being the wettest February for years.

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  • Anti Bullying Week

    Students worked on their pledges to raise the profile of their role when using unkind words

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  • Henslow Cafe Society

    Food Technology students have gained work experience by running a snack-bar style cafe. All the roles that could contribute to the service have been considered in order to play to students' interests and strengths. In addition to the cooks, the menu has been designed and published. Other students have been marketing and publicising their products whilst some have considered the service side of the business and donned white aprons and overalls to deliver their products to their customers.

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  • Alternative Programmes

    Once a week Key Stage 3 students attend the Cavalier Riding Centre , near Much Wenlock. They follow British Horse Society accredited programmes that are designed to help students work co-operatively with others, outside a formal academic setting. 'Stable Relationships' and 'Changing Lives Through Horses' help develop personal skills, as well as give an introduction to caring for animals.

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  • Charity Fundraising

    Raising money for those less fortunate than ourselves is an important part of student life in Henslow School. Students make requests to support different causes and both staff and students get involved in the events. Comic Relief: Every year staff and students come to school in their mufti clothes and pay for the privilege. In 2021 we raised a record £159.57, mainly thanks to Alfie's Sponsored Silence.

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  • Vocational Subjects

    The school timetable follows the national curriculum, but is also highly personalised and allows students to pursue their own areas of interest. Some students will complete skills to support their Duke of Edinburgh Award, other will supplement their daily academic curriculum with more vocational subjects such as Horticulture, Construction and Catering, or a day off-site at Lower Bush Farm.

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